Alcohol Prevention and Drug Education Project (APDEP) Alcohol Prevention and Drug Education Project
(APDEP) is our community based service dedicated to the needs of young
people at risk of alcohol and drug misuse or currently involved in drug
misuse through the provision of activities and programs designed to meet
their needs. APDEP is a youth leadership program empowering youth to
become involved in keeping their schools and communities alcohol and
drug free. The project implements grade-specific tasks, exercises, and
activities in a variety of highly engaging, interactive formats to reach
youth at an age when they are most likely to try alcohol. Through
APDEP, young people now have the opportunity to develop and practice
skills such as assertiveness, good communication, decision-making,
interpersonal and intrapersonal skills. Each year, New Era Educational
and Charitable Support Foundation, holds the “Alcohol Prevention and
Drug Education Conference” for high school students and adults in
Nigeria. Through this conference, young people, adults and parents
receive accurate information and increased awareness and knowledge of
the effects of Drugs and Alcohol abuse.